
The Database portion of Comedias Sueltas USA is the heart of the website. This searchable union catalog will eventually be a comprehensive source for locating all comedias sueltas held in U.S. academic and research institutions. To find out how many library collections and individual comedias have been entered to date, check the Statistical Table page under ZARZUELA. Researchers can search the database using the browse function and by filtering the results, using a keyword search, or using the advanced search page for an array of search fields in addition to author and title: translator, printer, publisher, bookseller, place and date of publication, provenance, holding institution, and other useful categories. The Zarzuela page will feature news and updates not only of this website, but information about comedias sueltas elsewhere as well.

  • La creacion de el mundo, y primer culpa de el hombre. Comedia famosa /
  • Comedia famosa,  La cisma de Inglaterra /
  • Algvnas hazanas de las muchas de don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoça, Marques de Canẽte :
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  • Comedia famosa. Del rey abaxo ninguno, y labrador mas honrado Garcia del Castañar /
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